Weight Loss Tips For the Holidays - 7 Tips From Hypnosis Weight Loss Programs

Are you tired of getting the same old advice when it comes to losing weight? Are you looking for some quick tips to help motivate yourself to prevent weight gain during the holidays? Why not follow along below to learn about some quick healthy weight loss tips?

Tip # 1: Take off five pounds quickly before a big event!

If you're generally in good shape, but you want to pare off a few pounds to look your best before a big event like New Year's Eve or a class reunion, one of the best ways to do it is to cleanse your system. For the week before, skip the breads and pastas, eat lots of raw vegetables and salads, keeping lean protein in the mix, and drink at least eight ounce glasses of water a day. You'll not only end up slimmer, you'll feel 100% more energetic and healthy.

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Actually, your weigh fluctuates through the day, so your best bet is to get on the scale rarely, only when medically necessary. Losing five pounds quickly can make you feel great, but it can also start the dieting roller coaster. If you've ever taken that ride, don't you want to finally get off the diet roller coaster?

Tip # 2: Lose weight without dieting!

It's a lot easier than you think. Dieting creates a habit of failure. Skip the diets and counting. Expect to eat normal, healthy meals three times a day, at most 4 hours apart.

Remember the key is exercise. Just one half hour of moderate exercise per day will burn calories - and better yet, kick your metabolism into high gear so that you continue burning calories at a higher rate. Bonuses: you'll be doing your health a favor, too. The latest research shows that adding moderate exercise to your daily routine can help lower cholesterol, slow the progression of type-2 diabetes and improve your circulation. What's moderate exercise? A brisk one mile walk, half an hour of dancing, or chasing the kids around in a game of tag will do it. The secret is keep it up continuously for 20 to 30 minutes at first and then add more after a week of doing it every day.

Tip # 3: Start your day off right!

Cutting calories during the holidays often means skipping meals. This unfortunately slows down your metabolism when you want it to speed up. Don't skip breakfast when you're looking to lose weight, and don't go for the convenience of a 'nutrition bar'.

Instead give your body the pick-me-up of fresh fruit in raw form, and the staying power of protein and whole grain. One of the best breakfasts you can have is a boiled egg or microwaved scrambled egg, a bowl of whole-grain cereal with fresh berries, melon or peaches. You get the lean protein that helps you stay alert and build the muscle that burns the fat, the sugar your brain craves, the carbs it needs to run on, and the added benefit of antioxidant vitamins to help it stay on track and to heal.

Tip # 4: Take high quality nutritional supplements every day.

There's no substitute for eating a healthy balance of all foods, but it's far too easy to skimp on the essentials when you're trying to lose weight. Make sure that your body doesn't miss out on the nutrients it needs just because you're cutting calories. A good nutritional supplement contains vitamins and antioxidants so the machinery in your cells function at their peak.

A great multivitamin should contain, at a minimum, the minimum recommended daily allowances of vitamins A, B6, B12, C, E and K. While you're at it, get out in the sun for at least ten minutes a day to help your body manufacture the vitamin D that it needs. Alternatively, much research has found that most people a low in vitamin D, so they should also take a vitamin D supplement.

Tip # 5: Eat your veggies - especially your lettuce.

But don't confine yourself to iceberg lettuce or to salads. Darker greens have about the same number of calories and carbs, but pack a lot more punch in the vitamins and other nutrient categories. By substituting radicchio, watercress, escarole or spinach for the iceberg lettuce, you add vitamin C, riboflavinís, manganese and other essential vitamins that aren't present in lettuce. Try them braised, steamed or grilled for something a little different from the usual salad.

Tip # 6 Set a positive, specific goal

Instead of thinking or talking about how you want to "lose 5 pounds," expect to weigh the weight you want to weigh. For example, take your current weight, subtract 5, and believe that you weigh that number already.

If you have trouble believing that, then learning to use hypnosis can help you change yourself in a safe, comfortable way. A professional hypnotist using a proven method of hypnosis training with real client results can teach you how in a comprehensive hypnosis weight loss program.

Tip # 7 Eliminate the habit of failure

Weight loss failure is due to past failures. This creates a habit of failure or "failure expectancy." You create new habits with new behaviors. One of my favorite quotes is from Dr. Stephen Covey, "You cannot think yourself out of the situation you behaved yourself into!"

Only taking action on these tips will acutally produce noticeable changes in your mood, weight and shape. What should you do in the case you know you should do the above steps, but you don't? In that situation, hypnosis and other self-help techniques may be very useful to change your behavior. Unfortunately you can't learn these things from reading a book. Only a live, individualized program of learning can produce the long term results you want.

If you have experienced difficulty with any weight loss method in the past, or you got only temporary results, find a quality hypnosis weight loss program using the McFall method of hypnosis training.

Copyright 2008 Michael Glowacki

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