Steps to Rapid Weight Loss

Tired of being on diet after diet after diet that didn't produce any results? Looking for rapid weight loss so you can finally get on with your life?

If you're fed up with not getting results from your plan, it's time you finally learned some basic principles of fat loss so you can start seeing results from all the work you have been putting in.

Here are some simple steps to ensure you start experiencing rapid weight loss.

Increase Protein Intake

The first step for rapid weight loss is to bump up your protein intake to at least one gram per pound, if not 1.5 grams per pound of body weight.

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This protein will help spare your muscle mass, boost your metabolic rate by up to 25%, and will help fill you up the most, so you don't experience that intense hunger that is almost impossible to deal with while dieting (and I can almost bet you've experienced that level of hunger at least once or twice).

Drink Warm Beverages

Next step is to consume more warm, calorie-free beverages. Hot tea, hot coffee, hot broth based vegetable soups - all are perfect for helping with rapid weight loss.

These will help fill you up, they will ensure that you aren't retaining extra water weight (which is a killer to the number on the bathroom scale), and they will help keep you warm (dieters tend to feel cold due to reduced calorie intake while on the fat loss diet).

Never Go Hungry

If you think starving yourself is the fastest way to get rapid weight loss, you might want to think again. Sure, you are reducing your calorie intake, but your body keeps track of this and eventually it's going to make up for the reduced calorie intake.

Only it will do so by literally forcing you to eat more calories then it needs.

So then, not only do you have a slow metabolism (making this increase in calories more likely to turn to body fat), but you're also likely eating many foods that are unhealthy (because come on, who really sticks with lean fish or chicken with vegetables when starving?).

Reward Yourself

Finally, the last step is to set a reward system in place. For all the small achievements you make, whether this is not eating your usual snack before bed, making sure you got in eight glass of water that day, or trying one new vegetable each week - reward yourself with something non-food related.

All these positive rewards will help you feel more capable of getting your weight loss goal and increase the chances of you succeeding.

So, if you want rapid weight loss, it's time to step up to the plate and start using these techniques. Dieting becomes easy when you follow some basic principles that literally guarantee the weight does come off for good.

Oh, and did I mention cheating on your diet can actually help you lose weight?

Old School New Body

Manual for Total Body Fat Control

Fat Burning Furnace


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